From Research to Funding: Do You Know Your Market?

Are you a small business trying to take a product or service to market, on limited resources? Are you playing the role of marketing, payroll, human resources, sales and proposal writing?

Well, you’re not alone. In fact, you may well be closer to the norm than you think. While functioning efficiently on limited resources feels nearly impossible some days, identifying the next source of funding may be an even greater challenge. If that challenge isn’t enough to keep you up at night, you then have the daunting task of convincing potential investors that you fully understand your target market, what that market will look like in 5 years and how much of that market you expect to capture.

Convincing investors that you understand your market begins with reliable and current research data; which often comes at a premium cost. You could purchase a single analyst report, which may vary in price from $4,500-$10,000 per source, hire a private consultant for the duration of the project, or fund a dedicated research staff with wages, benefits and overhead. But let’s assume that you don’t have tens of thousands of dollars under the company mattress to invest in these research strategies. Where can a small business find the market numbers and customized research findings that potential investors are looking for?

Dawnbreaker has been working with small business for over 20 years. Our team, comprised of business acceleration managers and market researchers has access to hundreds of formal analyst reports from industry-leading subscription databases, including Markets and Markets, BCC Research and Frost and Sullivan. We pull current information from a multitude of subscription sources, not available to most small businesses to secure the market intelligence expected by potential investors. Working together our teams then quickly translate this information into commercialization strategies that will help you more quickly and reliably arrive at your targeted destination. Armed with excellent information and appropriate strategies you will be well prepared to “pitch” your opportunity to potential investors.

Posted on October 13, 2017 by Eliza Gough

Developing Network Contacts (DevNC)

When you need to reach out...

There are times when you need to reach out to others – whether you are looking for potential customers, potential partners, or potential investors. But who should you call…and how do you address your fear of contacting them. The DevNC is a unique market research tool designed to provide you with between 25 and 30 Points of Contact (PoC). With each POC, information is included that provides insight about the person’s role. Depending on their position, other information commonly included relates to their background, articles that they have written, conference presentations and other pertinent information. This type of information enables you to customize your correspondence. Contact information is also included  – typically LinkedIn, email and phone number.

Competitor Analysis

Your customers know your competitors! Do you?

Maybe you believe that you don’t have any competition, but your customers know better! Their needs are being addressed now – perhaps not as well, but if there is a need, someone is providing a solution. Learn about the competition and be prepared to differentiate your solution from that of others. Dawnbreaker’s competitor analysis contrasts your competition on specifications, performance and price. Armed with this information we can help you create a compelling value proposition.

DoD Transition Information Packet (TIP)®

The Transition Information Packet (TIP) is a market research report specifically developed for small businesses working with the Department of Defense.

Customized Market Research (CMR)®

Filling in the gaps in your commercialization strategy….

The CMR provides our team with the greatest flexibility in addressing gaps in the information you need to refine your commercialization strategy. Based strictly on secondary literature, the market researcher can look for information that will help you understand changes in government regulations, market dynamics, emerging solutions, sources of funding, points of contact and other challenges you pose. Based on the information gathered, a business strategist will add comments throughout regarding the implications of the information for your strategy.

LICA Licensee Analysis®

Who will take the best care of your baby?

You’ve done a great job with your R&D. You’ve been careful to protect your intellectual property – but those next steps to bring the product to market seem out of reach. There’s too much competition, scale up would be too expensive – so you’ve decided to license-out your intellectual property. The challenge before you is to find the best licensee to bring your baby to market. Let us help you. We will profile organizations that frequently cite your patents and dig deeper to determine their financial health, technology and market synergies, and experience with licensing-in.

Commercial Potential Assessment (CPA)

Be wary of big numbers!

You’ve done a great job with your R&D. You’ve been careful to protect your intellectual property – but those next steps to bring the product to market seem out of reach. There’s too much competition, scale up would be too expensive – so you’ve decided to license-out your intellectual property. The challenge before you is to find the best licensee to bring your baby to market. Let us help you. We will profile organizations that frequently cite your patents and dig deeper to determine their financial health, technology and market synergies, and experience with licensing-in.