Market Research
Information you can act on for SBIR/STTR funded firms
Dawnbreaker® Market Research
Have you ever wondered why investors put so much emphasis on the team? Why isn’t it sufficient to have an innovative technology? If you’ve taken that extra step and conducted customer discovery and interviewed between 50 to 100 potential customers, why do you need to understand the market, the competition, the supply chain? Why is a commercialization or business strategy required – isn’t having a great technology enough? Unfortunately no…Bringing a technology to market is a complex process. Without sufficient information you will embark on what is bound to be an expensive and time-consuming journey, without a clearly defined destination and lacking the supplies that you will need to make it to the end. So why do investors put so much emphasis on the team? ….because they are looking for experienced scouts that can help a company more effectively chart a course to a lucrative destination. Before small businesses can afford an experienced team, they often seek information, utilize their native intelligence, and bring in consultants to help them chart a course.
Dawnbreaker® can help you chart the way. Explore the services we provide.
We're watching out for you!
With a team of highly skilled market researchers, Dawnbreaker® has provided market research that makes a difference to advanced technology firms for over 30 years. The team has delivered thousands of reports to advanced technology companies covering more than 10,000 projects, to federal agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Energy, and to Fortune 500 companies, such as 3M. With an emphasis on energy, defense, space, and medical technologies, let us bring these services to you and provide timely intelligence and analysis to help you make quicker, and more informed decisions. Whether you are responsible for successfully transitioning university-developed technologies and innovations to the commercial market; developing commercialization plans to include with a proposal; or looking to validate the size of a market opportunity—we can help you!

a good technology is not enough!

you need a market...

and a strategy to penetrate it!
Experience makes a difference!
It’s simple – our team adds value! All of our market researchers have advanced degrees, experience with markets for advanced technologies and access to numerous subscription databases. The information gathered using primary and secondary sources is current, clearly referenced, and focused on specific business objectives – so take advantage of our expertise!
It doesn’t stop with information. Dawnbreaker® employs a core team of business strategists to help you use the information to address business issues. Dawnbreaker® strategists can help you tackle difficult problems, and provide unique assistance in addressing complex problems. By working as a team, Dawnbreaker® provides customized information and solutions to keep your business ahead of the competition.