Schedule For Advertising and Integrated Marketing Services (AIMS)

Contract Number:  GS00F134CA
Contract Period:  05/22/20 – 5/21/25
FSC Group:  541
Special Interest Categories:

C541-1 – Advertising Services
C541-2 – Public Relations Services
C541-3 – Web Based Marketing Services
C541-4A – Market Research and Analysis
C541-4D – Conference, Events, & Trade Show Planning Services
C541-4F – Commercial Art & Graphic Design Services
C541-1000 – Other Direct Costs (ODCs) are expenses other than labor hours

Ordering Process and Information

Advantages of GSA

The Advertising and Integrated Marketing Solutions (AIMS) contract is an in-definite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) multiple award schedule contract that provides for task orders to be placed as firm fixed-price or time and material basis using the labor categories and ceiling rates defined in the contract. All federal agencies may purchase through this schedule. The Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) Part 8.4 provides procedures for the acquisition of services using GSA schedule contracts.

Blanket Purchase Agreements

Ordering activities may establish blanket purchase agreements (BPA’s) under any GSA schedule contract. A GSA schedule BPA simplifies the filling of recurring needs for supplies or services, while leveraging a customer’s buying power by taking advantage of quantity discounts, thus saving administrative time and reducing paperwork. BPAs are established in accordance with the procedures in FAR Part 8.405-3. An ordering activity may request a price reduction based on the total estimated volume of the BPA, regardless of the size of individual orders.

Blanket purchase agreements may be established with one or more Schedule contractors at the discretion of the ordering activity. When establishing multiple BPA’s, the ordering activity must specify the procedures for placing orders at the task order level. A GSA Schedule BPA should not exceed five years in length, but may do so to meet program requirements. A BPA may extend beyond the current term of its GSA schedule contract, provided there are option periods in the GSA schedule contract that, if exercised, will cover the BPA’s period of performance.

For orders of supplies and/or services below $3,000

Place the order with any Schedule contractor that can meet the agency’s needs. Though not required to solicit from a specific number of Schedule contractors, ordering activities should attempt to distribute orders among contractors (FAR 8.405).

For Services Requiring a Statement of Work:

To summarize the process for ordering services, the government agency:

STEP 1: Prepare a request for quotation that includes:

A performance-based statement of work that outlines the work to be performed; which clarifies the type of task order [time and material or firm fixed price], and clarifies the contractor selection procedure. A PowerPoint prepared by GSA called describes this process and can be downloaded from the following site:

STEP 2: Transmit the request for quotation to contractors.

Different guidelines pertain depending upon the Agency placing the order, and in the case of the Department of Defense [DoD], the size of the request. If the RFQ is for (DoD) <$100K and Non-DoD, the agency needs to select at least three (more if task order value exceeds MOT) qualified contractors on the schedule.

If the request is DoD >$100K: IAW DFAR 208.4 “Federal Supply Schedules” which incorporates the competition requirements of Section 803 of the 2002 Defense Authorization Act – DoD Contracting Officers are required to evaluate three bids OR determine in writing that despite reasonable efforts no other contractors were identified that could fill the work requirements. The request for quotations are then sent to selected contractors. GSA’s e-buy provides ordering agencies a streamlined, web-based system for ordering services using the GSA schedules. The default number of days required for a response is 5 days and can be as short as two. Be sure to provide sufficient time for contractors to respond.

STEP 3: Evaluate quotes and select the contractor to receive the order.

Place the order directly with the schedule contractor that represents the best value and results in the lowest overall cost alternative (e.g. considering price, special qualifications, and administrative costs).

STEP 4: The requesting government agency’s contracting office directly issues the task order to the selected contractor without GSA involvement in the procurement process.

All task order re-porting requirements and remission of fees to GSA are the responsibility of the contractor.


Services include formulation of advertising objectives, determination of message, decision/creation of media, selection marketing and media services, Broadcast media (Radio, TV and Public Service Announcements), and direct mail services.


Services include customized media and public relations services including the development of media messages and strategies; providing recommendations of media sources for placement of campaigns; preparing media materials such as: background materials, press releases, speeches and presentation and press kits.


We develop and implement web based tasks including design and maintenance services, e-mail marketing, interactive web design, screencasts, mobile applications, and kiosks.


Services include customized strategic marketing plans, branding initiatives, methods for creating public awareness of products, services, and issues, measurable marketing objectives; determining market trends and conditions; identifying and implementing appropriate strategies; conducting primary market research, conducting individual interviews, preparing/distributing surveys, compiling and analyzing results.


Dawnbreaker provides project management; collection management of third party payment for participation in events; liaison support with venue audiovisual; topic and speaker identification; site location research; on-site meeting and registration support; editorial services; design and editing production; mailing and other communication with attendees including pre-post meeting mailings/ travel support and computer database creation.


Services include commercial art, graphic design, and special effects that educate the consumer market about a product or service, including updating, rewriting, and/or editing materials; conceptual design and layouts; copywriting and technical writing services; sketches, drawings, publication designs, and typographic layouts; furnishing custom or stock artwork (including electronic artwork).