Nevada Resources

Nevada Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) 

Lori Brazfield, Director
5550 W. Flamingo Road, Suite A2
Las Vegas, NV 89103
Phone: 702.522.7080
Fax:  702.522.7077

Purpose of Initiative

“Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research,(EPSCoR) was created to fund national areas that have historically receive less financial support through research and development (R&D) funding. The goal of EPSCoR is to create strategic partnerships between federal and state agencies, higher education institutions, and private industries to create long-term improvements in scientific research, infrastructures, R&D capacity and national competitiveness.”

Nevada National Science Foundation EPSCoR

‘The goal of this project is to create a statewide interdisciplinary program that stimulates transformative research, education and outreach on the effects of regional climate change on ecosystem services (especially water resources) and support use of this knowledge by policy makers and stakeholders.The project will build capacity to model regional climate change, evaluate methods to downscale model output, understand and quantify key ecological and hydrological processes, translate climate change science into formats usable by decision-makers, integrate models and data, and transform how students learn about climate change.”


“The NASA EPSCoR program strengthens the research capabilities of jurisdictions that have not had a competitive advantage to participate in aerospace and aerospace-related research activities. EPSCoR provides eligible jurisdictions with funding opportunities to develop a more active research base by involving their academic and research institutions. Nevada began working with a NASA EPSCoR planning grant in 1999. Through this grant, Nevada has the opportunity to establish research and development competitiveness and strengthen its economy through the expansion of aerospace technology.”

Additional Participating Agencies

In addition to NSF and NASA, the following federal agencies also include Nevada among their programs:

  • Department of Energy (DOE)
  • Department of Defense (DoD)

Updated March 2018 by Kristin Stiner